Waldlaw Blog

Monday, August 22, 2005


The California Supreme Court ruled this morning that when a lesbian couple intentionally conceives a child together and parents that child together, they both are "natural" and legal mothers under California law. This is a huge victory for lesbian mothers and, most especially, for our children, and I applaud it. It finally brings to an end the trail of broken hearts created by the narrow-minded decisions of courts considering these cases over the last 15 years, and makes it clear that California cares about children and their right to have parents -- regardless of the gender or marital status of those parents. So hurray for the California Supreme Court, and hurray for us!! There was some great language in the decisions, and there is a lot to be excited about. And, as always, there also was some language that I didn't like and -- being Jewish -- I have found a few things to worry about. But before sharing more details here, I need time to read the decisions more carefully and think more carefully about them. So for now .... THANK YOU CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT. Thank you for protecting my children, and my clients' children, and the children of all lesbian couples in the State of California. It means a lot. And again, for those of you who want to read the decisions (and there are 3 of them, and they're long), you can find them on-line at: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/supreme/. I'll post more soon....


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