Waldlaw Blog

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Returning From a Blog Holiday

I'm back!! I don't understand all the reasons why, but the first two months of 2008 were complete chaos. We were in the final throws of getting our older son's high school applications in; I had a lot of speaking engagements, including several that involved (minor) travel; my partner was in a new, much-more-full-time job. Somehow it all added up, and while I feel like I blogged a couple of weeks ago, I look and see that it actually has been two months. Well, the dust is beginning to settle, and I have recommitted to blogging. And there is so much going on to blog about! Let's start with Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez running for President/Vice President. Now there's "progressive" for you! I cannot help but feel that their primary contribution to this election is to give left-leaning voters an opportunity to keep straight white men in power for another four years, while still feeling good about themselves. Why have a woman or an African-American run the country when you could have Ralph?? Way to go, guys! Then there are the oral arguments on Tuesday in the California marriage case. Given the questions our Supreme Court is asking about the meaning of marriage in our society, I believe we actually have a real, significant chance of winning this one. And then there are major changes in the world of international adoption, brought about by implementation of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption in April. And the issue of outsourcing surrogacy to 3rd world countries, which is being debated here at home. And who knows what else will come around the bend?? So, with a little more time (yeh, right!) and much to write about, I commit to blogging more often in 2008. For my loyal readers, I apologize for the break and thank you for not abandoning the Wald Law ship.... And for anyone new just happening on this blog now, in 2008 -- WELCOME!! It is sure to be an interesting year, and I promise to try to throw in some thoughtful perspectives along the way.


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